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No book about either Atlantis or The Hall of Records can be published without referring to the life readings given by Edgar Cayce.

When Edgar Cayce passed away on January 3rd 1945 he left behind him an historical legacy of more than 14,000 well-documented stenographic records of his telepathic-clairvoyant readings that he had given to some 8,000 different people during the preceding forty-three years.

These readings may be broken down into categories as follows:-

Physical Diagnoses 60%

Life Readings 20%

Miscellaneous 20% (business topics etc)

According to Edgar Evans Cayce, the younger son of Edgar Cayce, some 664 of Cayce's 2500 life readings refer to Atlantean incarnations; and, furthermore, some refer to more than one relating to the same person, making a total in excess of 700 Atlantean incarnations, approximately 30 percent of the total number of life readings which were given through Edgar Cayce.

The earliest life reading which contains a reference to Atlantis was given on November 20th, 1923, and the last one was given on September 26th, 1944 - a span of nearly twenty-one years!

Cayce always said that is likely, rather than unlikely, that we have known in past lives most of the people with whom we associate today.

Often this 'recognition' occurs without the individuals concerned realising that the initial contact has been made! An energy - or vibration (almost like a magnetic attraction) draws these old Atlantean souls towards each other. Only later does the true reason for this 'attraction' - and empathy - become apparent.

According to Cayce, volcanic and earthquake-like 'explosions' on three distinct and widely separated occasions destroyed Atlantis.

And each of these destructions lasted over a period of months or even years, not just days or a single day!

The first of these disasters appear to have taken place about 50,700 BC, the second about 28,000 BC whilst the third and last one around 10,000 BC.

All the readings indicated that ample warnings were given and that many Atlanteans were, in fact, able to escape prior to each disaster. Some travelled to Europe and Africa whilst some found refuge in South America!

Although many of the life-readings were expressed in terminology that was often quite difficult to understand at first sight, by studying the texts very carefully and piecing many of them together as one would a jig-saw, we are able to obtain a comprehensive 'over-view' of the History of Atlantis.......

Cayce as being thought projections and having a physical being describes the earliest Atlanteans in which both sexes, male and female, were present in the same 'body'.

Unfortunately, however, corruption from the pure, virginal, ways of the Spirit/God soon cast a heavy cloud upon the earth!

Edgar Cayce told us in a number of his life-readings that Atlantis was eventually destroyed because of the gross mis-use and abuse of the crystalline energies by members of the Atlantean priesthood known as the "The Sons of Belial". Their interference with the natural laws of the Atlantean universe eventually created a total power and energy 'imbalance' which led to violent volcanic eruptions and cataclysmic flooding and the entire continent of Atlantis was totally devastated and sank deep beneath the raging seas.

From all the information given to us in Cayce's life-readings it does appear that the evacuation from Atlantis might have occurred during a period of many years.

"With the realisation of the children of the Law of One that there was to be the final breaking up of the Poseidon-Atlantean lands, there were the emigrations with many of the leaders to the various lands" (1007-3; June 26th, 1938).

"....in the Atlantean land when there was the breaking up of the isles and it had been given out that those that would or were to be saved must journey to the various centres to which the leaders had been given the passports. The entity was among those that came first to what is now the Pyrenees and later to the activities, after they had been set up years before, in the Egyptian land" (633-2; July 26th 1935).

Interestingly, the above reading implies that not everyone was to be saved! In a number of regression sessions, with different people, I have been told that most of the Sons of Belial perished when Atlantis was destroyed and only followers of the Law of One were allowed to 'escape'.

However, it would appear that a number of the Law of One deliberately chose to stay behind - and die - so that they could destroy or 'hide' important Atlantean technology and 'blue-prints' which they knew would have been disastrous had such information been allowed to fall into the wrong hands.

These 'blue-prints' they placed in the Hall of Records.

These Atlantean thought-form 'beings' - projecting 'vibrations' of pure white light and energy - gradually began to take on a more material shape and density and began to engage upon acts of sheer self-indulgence.

These physically encased thought-form projections, through the passage of time, began to separate into two groups; those who followed the Laws of One and those that chose to follow the Sons of Belial.

The Law of One still maintained the highest standards of consciousness and was able to continue vibrating at only the very highest level of light and energy; and still remained very close and true to the one Creator/God.

The philosophy practised by the Law of One was totally philanthropical and selfless. They always tried to uplift and enrich the physical and spiritual conditions of all those around them and attempted to maintain a balance with the cosmic and planetary forces of nature as an expression of God.

The Sons of Belial, on the other hand, were only interested in the amplification of the ego, self-aggrandisement and carnal pursuits. They found great enjoyment in experimenting with the sensual and sexual pleasures of life and with the hypnotic-like power, which they could exert over the people with whom they came into contact.

They tried to introduce the daughters of the Law of One to the pleasures of the flesh (with some considerable success!) and did their best to try and control all the spiritual laws to enhance all their materialistic purposes.

These Sons of Belial grossly misused the technological creations of the Law of One and appropriated them for their own destructive and materialistic purposes.

And because of the evil power projected by these Sons of Belial, many of the wonderful Atlantean Temples gradually fell into shame and disrepute - and the spiritual laws began to be used for people's physical and sensual appetites.

As time passed by, many of the original members of the Law of One fell by the wayside and found it much easier to follow the dictates of the Sons of Belial than remain true to their original standards and ethics!

The early Atlanteans lived in-groups but not as households or families as we know them today!

There were priests, labourers, producers, farmers, artisans, timekeepers and a most interesting and puzzling group, which Cayce described as 'things' or 'mere machines'.

One of the 'arguments' between the Law of One and the Sons of Belial was over the treatment and use of these 'things'...

Gradually, a civilisation was created in Atlantis, which surpassed all historical empires - past, present and future - in its scientific and economic achievements.

The Atlanteans appeared to have developed technology, which allowed them to have created aircraft, air-balloons, submarines, elevators, a broadcasting system, and even computers!

The aircraft and submarines were also used for destructive purposes as well as for the benefit of the Atlantean population.

Other 'dual-purpose' discoveries included a death-ray, explosives, radioactive forces and atomic energy.

As the Atlanteans began to increase their knowledge and understanding of all these destructive forces, the natural balance of nature precipitated the first destruction of Atlantis.

The only dated event in the life-readings, which may be associated with the first Atlantean destruction was the summit meeting of the countries of the world held in 50,722 BC.

This meeting was brought about by the invasion of Atlantis by the giant members of the animal kingdom!

The decisions of the countries, which attended this summit meeting, are not clear.

However, the Sons of Belial appear to have misused their knowledge in their attempts to destroy the invading animals.

Despite the best efforts of the Sons of Belial it appears that the animals were eventually destroyed by the power of Spirit/God, ice and through movement of the North/South Pole axis.

The effects and the extent of the first Atlantean Disaster was such that the Continent was broken up into five islands.

On every occasion when Atlantis suffered cataclysmic disaster, its civilisation was very advanced scientifically and technologically!

By the time of the second major disaster - about 28,000 BC - the Atlanteans were able to travel in every element; air, water and on land!

Not only did they have aircraft but they also had guided craft as well!

The Atlanteans enjoyed all our 'modern' developments and many which yet remain undiscovered by our present day inventors and scientists.

Machines and lasers were used in Atlantis for the rejuvenation of the body. Atlantean technology could also assist in developing one's psychic abilities, including telepathy and astral travelling.

Just prior to the second destruction of Atlantis, the Atlanteans had become, once again, more decadent and corrupt.

The Law of One and the Sons of Belial engaged in lengthy disputes. One of these disputes was over the use of the group, which Cayce termed 'things'.

Should they be used as beasts of burden, workers in clay, in mills? Some Atlanteans appear to have aided them in their development; others preferred to exploit them!

As before the first destruction, spiritual laws were being applied to material gain.

And although the Atlantean people appear to have had repeated warnings of the impending disaster, the majority seemed to have totally ignored them and continued to misuse their knowledge and power.

This second 'destruction' resulted in a considerable loss of land and in climactic changes.

After the second 'destruction', the Atlanteans were forced to make many adjustments and alterations to the new conditions, which they faced.

Their scientific achievements were still considerable, although they do not appear to now be as advanced as in the two previous eras!

The previous disasters had left Atlantis as a group of Islands, the chief ones being called, Poseidia, Aryan and Og. There was a perpetual state of unrest and rebellion throughout the whole continent!

The differences and on-going disagreements between the Law of One and the Sons of Belial did not diminish.

And the Sons of Belial continued to divert the Spiritual Laws of knowledge and understanding for their own pleasure and to exert as much power as possible over the Atlantean population.

And it was the Sons of Belial who instigated the final - terminal - devastation and destruction of Atlantis through their continued use of all their destructive energies and powers!

Although the destruction itself - when it came - may have appeared fairly sudden, many advanced warnings were given of what was going to occur!

Those members of the Law of One - who had remained uncorrupted - took charge of arranging for the 'transportation' of those Atlanteans who were 'allowed' to leave!

According to many of the life-readings given through Edgar Cayce, a large number of the souls who had one or more incarnations in Atlantis are now reincarnating - and more will be reincarnated in the future - back on earth, especially in Britain and America.

Although these Atlantean souls will often display great technological knowledge they will also exhibit extrovert natures and extremist tendencies. Many of them will have lived at the time of the great destruction of Atlantis and they may well have followed the selfishness and corruption taught by "The Sons of Belial".

In one of his many life- readings Edgar Cayce addresses the question of why Atlantean incarnations have so much influence on a person's current lifetime:-

"Be it true that there is the fact of reincarnation, and that souls that once occupied such an environ (i.e Atlantis) are entering the earth's sphere and inhabiting individuals in the present, is it any wonder that - if they made such alterations in the affairs of the earth in their day, as to bring destruction upon themselves - if they are entering now, they might make many changes in the affairs of peoples and individuals in the present? (364-1).

Cayce, as always, could 'see' what was yet to come and the above reading is probably truer today than it was at the time that he delivered the actual reading!

Edgar Cayce himself often refers directly to "The Law of One" and "The Sons of Belial" in many of his life-readings:-

"In Atlantean land during those periods when there were the divisions between those of the Law of One and the Sons of Belial, or the offspring of what was the pure race and those who had projected themselves into creatures that became 'the sons of men' (as the terminology would be) rather than the creatures of God" (1416-1;July 27th,1937).

In Atlantean land when there were the greater questionings between the Sons of the Law of One and the Sons of Belial or between those that were purified by keeping of the pure strain and those that were projections by thought individuals or beings" (1417-1;July 30th, 1937).

Whilst Cayce's life-readings can be sometimes difficult to interpret, the above two readings seem fairly definite that the "Sons of Belial" are power-mad, corrupt, and are hell-bent on pursuing a pathway of self-indulgence; completely forsaking their great spiritual heritage.

Another reading describes the "Sons of Belial" as those people seeking "the gratifying, the satisfying, the use of material things for self, without thought or consideration as to the sources of neither such nor the hardships in the experience of others. Or, in other words, as we would term it today, they were those without a standard of morality. The Sons of Belial had no standard, save of self, self-aggrandisement" (877-26).

"The Law of One", on the other hand, upheld higher virtues and spiritual values "that the soul was given by the Creator or entered from outside sources into the projection of the mental and spiritual self at the given periods. That was the standard of the Law of One, but was rejected by the Sons of Belial" (877-26;May 23rd, 1938).

Cayce suggests, on several occasions, that there was more than one destruction of Atlantis:-

In Atlantean land during periods when there were activities that brought about questionings that arose between the two great forces, the period before the first destruction of the land - among children of the Law of One who cared much about those 'things' that were parts of the activity having been brought about by the great teacher in those experiences - entity aided in helping these to overcome, when they became aware of the relationships of the individual entity to the universal Consciousness or God - periods of progression - entity lived to be 1000 years old in years as termed today - saw many changes in the earth and in the way in which preparations were made for the advent of the souls of men to be brought to their relationship with God" (3579-1' January 20th,1944).

One particular point of interest in the above reading is the suggestion that the entity lived for 1000 years. One of the differences, I believe, between the Atlantean era and the present day is that the air we are breathing today is much denser than would have been the case before Atlantis was finally destroyed.

The 'vibrations' surrounding Atlantis pulsated at much higher - and finer- intensity than occurs in the twentieth century, and this would account for the fact that the inhabitants of Atlantis were able to live, in most cases, for many hundreds of years!

And, because of this 'heavier' atmosphere which now exists in the world, it is not possible to utilise crystalline energy and power in the same way as it would have been used thousands of years ago in Atlantis!

It appears that the Law of One - and their families - came under constant pressure from the Sons of Belial- "in Atlantean land when first upheavals were brought about, when the activities of the Sons of Belial brought to the daughters of the children of the Law of One the abilities for enjoying the pleasures of excesses of every nature in human relationship as well as those activities related to same" (1999-1;September 13th,1939).

From the above reading it seems self-evident that the Sons of Belial tried to corrupt the daughters of the Law of One. That, from time to time, they were successful I have no doubt!

Just before the final destruction of Atlantis the followers of "The Law of One", who 'knew' what was to come were able to escape before Atlantis was destroyed.

"....in Atlantis during periods of the breaking up of the land. Set sail for Egypt but ended up in the Pyrenees in what are now Portuguese, French and Spanish lands. In Calais may be still seen the marks in the chalk cliffs of the entity's followers as attempts were made to create a temple activity for the followers of the Law of One. First to establish a library of knowledge in 10,300 BC in what later became Alexandria in Egypt" (315-4;June 13th, 1934).

The library of knowledge in Alexandria referred to in the above reading is an historical fact and was destroyed by fire. We are told - from many esoteric sources - that this great library contained priceless books and manuscripts, some of which would have proved beyond any shadow of doubt not only the existence of Atlantis but that the technology at their disposal was far in advance of anything available to us in the twentieth century!

Valuable manuscripts are also known to have been taken to the Pyramids in Egypt.

"In Atlantean land before the final destruction - when the priest came from Egypt to Poseidia (Atlantis) to gain understanding of the Law of One (or God) that there might be records carried back to Egypt, the entity returned with the priest. Became embroiled in Egyptian politics (pitting of young king against royal native Aarat). Entity made Egypt his home. Rebellions continued in Atlantis, many Atlanteans made exodus to Egypt. Entity aided the Egyptians in chemistry, building, economics, commerce, labour, etc; arts in the broader sense, music, workers in metals and precious stones. Entity had charge of records brought from Atlantis to Egypt" (378-13; 1933).

"Entity in the Atlantean and Egyptian land - among those who came into the Egyptian experience for preserving the records of those activities - became a supervisor of the excavations - in studying the old records and in preparing and building the house of Records for the Atlanteans as well as a part of the house initiate - or Great Pyramid " (2462-2; June 19th, 1941)

"Entity aided the priest in the preparation of the manner of building the temple of records that lies just beyond that enigma that still is the mystery of mysteries to those who seek to know what were the manners of thought of the ancient sons who made man, beast - as a part of the consciousness" (2402-2,November 16th, 1940).

The above readings suggest - and other sources tend to confirm this - that a vast Hall of Records is located somewhere underground between the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid of Giza.

This Hall of Records - when discovered - will have a profound effect upon the world! It will change our perception of many of our ideas and will, at one stroke, re-write our history books and upgrade and revolutionise our scientific know-how.

Many people believe that this Hall of Records will be discovered in the fairly near future. Cayce in one of his readings, says:-

"Before that the entity was in the Atlantean land, when there were those periods necessitating the exodus because of the destructive forces being used by the children of Belial. The entity was a priestess in the Law of One, and among those who came into the Egyptian land, as the elders in those groups for preserving the records, as well as for preserving a portion of that race, that peoples.

With the periods of the reconstruction after the return of the priest, the entity joined with those who were active in putting the records in forms that were partially of the old characters of the ancient or early Egyptian and part in the newer form of the Atlanteans.

These may be found, especially when the house or tomb of records is opened, in a few years from now" (2537-1;July 17th, 1941).

Although this reading is now more than fifty years old - and the Hall of Records has yet to be discovered - it is my belief, and that of many of my colleagues - that the time is fast approaching when the time will be 'right' for these records to be 'found'.

Some eight years before the above reading was given, Cayce was asked to describe what the Hall of Records contains:-

"A record of Atlantis from the beginning of those periods when the Spirit took form, or began the encasements in that land; and the developments of the people throughout their sojourn; together with the record of the first destruction, and the changes that took place in the land; with the record of the sojournings of the peoples and their varied activities in other lands, and a record of the meetings of all the nations or lands, for the activities in the destruction of Atlantis; and the building of the pyramid of initiation, together with whom, what and where the opening of the records would come, that are as copies from the sunken Atlantis. For with the change, Atlantis must rise again.

In position, this lies - as the sun rises from the waters - as the line of the shadows (or light) falls between the paws of the Sphinx; that was set later as the sentinel or guard and which may not be entered from the connecting chambers from the Sphinx's right paw until the time has been fulfilled when the changes must be active in this sphere of man's experience. Then it lies between the Sphinx and the river" (378-16; October 29th, 1933).

When the Hall of Records is eventually opened we shall, at long last, have all the evidence we need to prove the existence of Atlantis. At that time we shall then discover that Atlantean technology and knowledge was far more advanced than we had hitherto thought possible!

The Law of One ensured that the records of knowledge and understanding were 'hidden' in the Sphinx and certain precautions were activated to make absolutely certain that these records would not be re-discovered for many thousands of years until the Time was 'right'......

.......a time which is fast approaching!

A foundation, known as the Edgar Cayce Foundation was established to preserve all the thousands of readings given through Edgar Cayce.

In 1932, an open-membership research society - the Association for Research and Enlightenment - was formed to index and catalogue the information contained in the readings, to initiate investigation and experiments and to promote conferences, seminars and lectures throughout the world dealing with these readings and related material.

If you would like further information about Edgar Cayce and his readings, please write to:-

The Association for Research and Enlightenment, PO Box 595, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23451, U.S.A

For the past fifty years - and more - the scientific world has been challenging the credibility and accuracy of predictions made by Edgar Cayce.

The final proof - for those that need it - and which will serve to validate Cayce's extraordinary powers of mediumship will be when the Hall of Records is accessed. Cayce stated that the Hall of Records would be opened between the years 1998 - 2001 and if this prediction occurs in that time continuum then there will be no further room for any doubt.

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